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  1. sakila-schema.sql:创建Sakila数据库的结构、表、视图、存储过程和触发器
  2. sakila-data.sql:使用insert语句填充数据及在初始数据加载后,必须创建的触发器的定义
  3. sakila.mwb:文件是一个MySQL Workbench数据模型,可以在MySQL的工作台打开查看数据库结构
# 登录mysql
mysql -uroot -p123456
# 导入表的结构数据
source ~/tmp/sakila-schema.sql
# 导入表的数据
source ~/tmp/sakila-data.sql

2. 各表名称, 字段名称

  1. actor:演员表,列出了所有演员的信息。演员表和电影表之间是多对多的关系,通过film_actor表建立关系
create table actor
    actor_id    smallint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键,用于唯一标识表中的每个演员'
        primary key,
    first_name  varchar(45)                         not null comment '演员的名字',
    last_name   varchar(45)                         not null comment '演员的姓氏',
    last_update timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间'
    comment '演员表';

create index idx_actor_last_name
    on actor (last_name);
  1. address:地址表,包含客户、员工和商店的地址信息。地址表的主键出现在顾客、 员工、和存储表的外键
create table address
    address_id  smallint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键用于唯一标识表中的每个地址'
        primary key,
    address     varchar(50)                         not null comment '地址的第一行',
    address2    varchar(50)                         null comment '一个可选的第二行地址',
    district    varchar(20)                         not null comment '该地区的所属地区,这可以是国家,省,县等',
    city_id     smallint unsigned                   not null comment '指向城市表的外键',
    postal_code varchar(10)                         null comment '邮政编码',
    phone       varchar(20)                         not null comment '地址的电话号码',
    location    geometry                            not null,
    last_update timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    constraint fk_address_city
        foreign key (city_id) references city (city_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '地址表';

create index idx_fk_city_id
    on address (city_id);

create spatial index idx_location
    on address (location);
  1. category:分类表,列出了可以分配到一个电影类别。分类和电影是多对多的关系,通过表film_category建立关系
create table category
    category_id tinyint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键用于唯一标识表中的每个类别'
        primary key,
    name        varchar(25)                         not null comment '类别名称',
    last_update timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间'
    comment '分类表';
  1. city:城市表,包含城市名单。城市表使用外键来标示国家;在地址表中被作为外键来使用
create table city
    city_id     smallint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键用于唯一标识表中的每个城市'
        primary key,
    city        varchar(50)                         not null comment '城市的名字',
    country_id  smallint unsigned                   not null comment '外键,用于标示城市所属的国家',
    last_update timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    constraint fk_city_country
        foreign key (country_id) references country (country_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '城市表';

create index idx_fk_country_id
    on city (country_id);
  1. country:国家表,包含的国家名单。国家表是指在城市表的外键
create table country
    country_id  smallint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键用于唯一标识表中的每个国家'
        primary key,
    country     varchar(50)                         not null comment '国家的名称',
    last_update timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间'
    comment '国家表';
  1. customer:客户表,包含了所有客户的列表 。 客户表在支付表和租金表被作为外键使用;客户表使用外键来表示地址和存储
-- auto-generated definition
create table customer
    customer_id smallint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键用于唯一标识表中的每个客户'
        primary key,
    store_id    tinyint unsigned                     not null comment '一个外键,确定客户所属的store',
    first_name  varchar(45)                          not null comment '客户的名字',
    last_name   varchar(45)                          not null comment '客户的姓氏',
    email       varchar(50)                          null comment '客户的电子邮件地址',
    address_id  smallint unsigned                    not null comment '使用在地址 表的外键来确定客户的地址',
    active      tinyint(1) default 1                 not null comment '表示客户是否是活跃的客户',
    create_date datetime                             not null comment '顾客被添加到系统中的日期。使用 INSERT 触发器自动设置',
    last_update timestamp  default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    constraint fk_customer_address
        foreign key (address_id) references address (address_id)
            on update cascade,
    constraint fk_customer_store
        foreign key (store_id) references store (store_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '客户表';

create index idx_fk_address_id
    on customer (address_id);

create index idx_fk_store_id
    on customer (store_id);

create index idx_last_name
    on customer (last_name);
  1. film:电影表,是一个可能在商店库存的所有影片名单。每部影片的实际库存信息保存在库存表。电影表指使用外键来标示语言表;在film_category、film_actor和库存表中作为外键使用
-- auto-generated definition
create table film
    film_id              smallint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键用于唯一标识表中的每个电影'
        primary key,
    title                varchar(128)                                                            not null comment '影片的标题',
    description          text                                                                    null comment '一个简短的描述或电影的情节摘要',
    release_year         year                                                                    null comment '电影发行的年份',
    language_id          tinyint unsigned                                                        not null comment '使用外键来标示语言',
    original_language_id tinyint unsigned                                                        null comment '电影的原始语音。使用外键来标示语言',
    rental_duration      tinyint unsigned                        default 3                       not null comment '租赁期限的长短,以天作为单位',
    rental_rate          decimal(4, 2)                           default 4.99                    not null comment '指定的期限内电影的租金',
    length               smallint unsigned                                                       null comment '影片的长度,以分钟为单位',
    replacement_cost     decimal(5, 2)                           default 19.99                   not null comment '如果电影未被归还或损坏状态向客户收取的款项',
    rating               enum ('G', 'PG', 'PG-13', 'R', 'NC-17') default 'G'                     null comment '分配给电影评级。可以是 G, PG,PG - 13 , R 或NC - 17',
    special_features     set ('Trailers', 'Commentaries', 'Deleted Scenes', 'Behind the Scenes') null comment '包括DVD上常见的特殊功能的列表',
    last_update          timestamp                               default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP       not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    constraint fk_film_language
        foreign key (language_id) references language (language_id)
            on update cascade,
    constraint fk_film_language_original
        foreign key (original_language_id) references language (language_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '电影表';

create index idx_fk_language_id
    on film (language_id);

create index idx_fk_original_language_id
    on film (original_language_id);

create index idx_title
    on film (title);
  1. film_actor:电影演员表,用来支持许多电影和演员之间的多对多关系 。对于每一个给定的电影演员,将有film_actor表中列出的演员和电影中的一个行
create table film_actor
    actor_id    smallint unsigned                   not null comment '用于识别演员的外键',
    film_id     smallint unsigned                   not null comment '用于识别电影的外键',
    last_update timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    primary key (actor_id, film_id),
    constraint fk_film_actor_actor
        foreign key (actor_id) references actor (actor_id)
            on update cascade,
    constraint fk_film_actor_film
        foreign key (film_id) references film (film_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '电影演员表';

create index idx_fk_film_id
    on film_actor (film_id);
  1. film_category:电影类别表,用来支持许多电影和类别之间的多对多关系 。应用于电影的每个类别中,将有film_category表中列出的类别和电影中的一个行
create table film_category
    film_id     smallint unsigned                   not null comment '用于识别电影的外键',
    category_id tinyint unsigned                    not null comment '用于识别类别的外键',
    last_update timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    primary key (film_id, category_id),
    constraint fk_film_category_category
        foreign key (category_id) references category (category_id)
            on update cascade,
    constraint fk_film_category_film
        foreign key (film_id) references film (film_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '电影类别表';
  1. film_text:电影信息表,是Sakila样例数据库唯一使用MyISAM存储引擎的表。MyISAM类型不支持事务处理等高级处理,而InnoDB类型支持。MyISAM类型的表强调的是性能,其执行数度比InnoDB类型更快。此表提供允许全文搜索电影表中列出的影片的标题和描述。film_text表包含的film_id,标题和描述的列电影表,保存的内容与电影表上的内容同步(指电影表的插入、更新和删除操作)
create table film_text
    film_id     smallint     not null comment '代理主键用于唯一标识表中的每个电影'
        primary key,
    title       varchar(255) not null comment '影片的标题',
    description text         null comment '一个简短的描述或电影的情节摘要'
    comment '电影信息表';

create fulltext index idx_title_description
    on film_text (title, description);
  1. inventory:库存表,存放在一个给定的商店里的一个给定的电影的copy副本。使用外键来识别电影和存储;在出租表中使用外键来识别库存
create table inventory
    inventory_id mediumint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键用于唯一标识每个项目在库存'
        primary key,
    film_id      smallint unsigned                   not null comment '使用外键来识别电影',
    store_id     tinyint unsigned                    not null comment '使用外键来识别物品所在的商店',
    last_update  timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    constraint fk_inventory_film
        foreign key (film_id) references film (film_id)
            on update cascade,
    constraint fk_inventory_store
        foreign key (store_id) references store (store_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '库存表';

create index idx_fk_film_id
    on inventory (film_id);

create index idx_store_id_film_id
    on inventory (store_id, film_id);
  1. language:语言表,是一个查找表,列出可能使用的语言,电影可以有自己的语言和原始语言值。语言表在电影表中被作为外键来使用
create table language
    language_id tinyint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键用于唯一标识每一种语言'
        primary key,
    name        char(20)                            not null comment '语言的英文名称',
    last_update timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间'
    comment '代理主键用于唯一标识每一种语言';
  1. payment:付款表,记录每个客户的付款,如支付的金额和租金的资料。使用外键来表示客户、出租、和工作人员
create table payment
    payment_id   smallint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键用于唯一标识每个付款'
        primary key,
    customer_id  smallint unsigned                   not null comment '使用外键来标识付款的客户',
    staff_id     tinyint unsigned                    not null comment '工作人员,负责处理支付 。使用外键来标识',
    rental_id    int                                 null comment '租借ID, 外键,参照rental表',
    amount       decimal(5, 2)                       not null comment '付款金额',
    payment_date datetime                            not null comment '处理付款的日期',
    last_update  timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    constraint fk_payment_customer
        foreign key (customer_id) references customer (customer_id)
            on update cascade,
    constraint fk_payment_rental
        foreign key (rental_id) references rental (rental_id)
            on update cascade on delete set null,
    constraint fk_payment_staff
        foreign key (staff_id) references staff (staff_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '付款表';

create index idx_fk_customer_id
    on payment (customer_id);

create index idx_fk_staff_id
    on payment (staff_id);
  1. rental:租金表,一行表示每个inventory的租借客户、租借时间、归还时间租借表使用外键来标识库存 ,顾客和工作人员;在支付表中使用了外键来标识租金
-- auto-generated definition
create table rental
    rental_id    int auto_increment comment '代理主键唯一标识的租金'
        primary key,
    rental_date  datetime                            not null comment '该项目租用的日期和时间',
    inventory_id mediumint unsigned                  not null comment '该项目被租用',
    customer_id  smallint unsigned                   not null comment '租用该项目的客户',
    return_date  datetime                            null comment '归还日期',
    staff_id     tinyint unsigned                    not null comment '处理该项业务的工作人员',
    last_update  timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    constraint rental_date
        unique (rental_date, inventory_id, customer_id),
    constraint fk_rental_customer
        foreign key (customer_id) references customer (customer_id)
            on update cascade,
    constraint fk_rental_inventory
        foreign key (inventory_id) references inventory (inventory_id)
            on update cascade,
    constraint fk_rental_staff
        foreign key (staff_id) references staff (staff_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '租金表';

create index idx_fk_customer_id
    on rental (customer_id);

create index idx_fk_inventory_id
    on rental (inventory_id);

create index idx_fk_staff_id
    on rental (staff_id);
  1. staff:工作人员表,列出了所有工作人员,包括电子邮件地址,登录信息和图片信息。使用外键来标识存储和地址表;在出租、支付和商店表中作为外键
-- auto-generated definition
create table staff
    staff_id    tinyint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键唯一标识的工作人员'
        primary key,
    first_name  varchar(45)                          not null comment '工作人员的名字',
    last_name   varchar(45)                          not null comment '工作人员的姓氏',
    address_id  smallint unsigned                    not null comment '工作人员的地址在地址表的外键',
    picture     blob                                 null comment '工作人员的照片,使用了 BLOB属性',
    email       varchar(50)                          null comment '工作人员的电子邮件地址',
    store_id    tinyint unsigned                     not null comment '工作人员所在的商店,用外键标识',
    active      tinyint(1) default 1                 not null comment '是否是活跃的工作人员',
    username    varchar(16)                          not null comment '用户名,由工作人员用来访问租赁系统',
    password    varchar(40) collate utf8mb4_bin      null comment '工作人员访问租赁系统所使用的密码。使用了 SHA1 函数',
    last_update timestamp  default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    constraint fk_staff_address
        foreign key (address_id) references address (address_id)
            on update cascade,
    constraint fk_staff_store
        foreign key (store_id) references store (store_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '工作人员表';

create index idx_fk_address_id
    on staff (address_id);

create index idx_fk_store_id
    on staff (store_id);
  1. store:商店表,列出了系统中的所有商店。使用外键来标识工作人员和地址;在员工、客户、库存表被作为外键使用
create table store
    store_id         tinyint unsigned auto_increment comment '代理主键唯一标识的商店'
        primary key,
    manager_staff_id tinyint unsigned                    not null comment '使用外键来标识这家商店的经理',
    address_id       smallint unsigned                   not null comment '使用外键来确定这家店的地址',
    last_update      timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '该行已创建或最近更新的时间',
    constraint idx_unique_manager
        unique (manager_staff_id),
    constraint fk_store_address
        foreign key (address_id) references address (address_id)
            on update cascade,
    constraint fk_store_staff
        foreign key (manager_staff_id) references staff (staff_id)
            on update cascade
    comment '商店表';

create index idx_fk_address_id
    on store (address_id);

3. 视图表

  1. actor_info:提供了所有演员的列表及所演的电影, 电影按category分组
SELECT a.actor_id,
                                    (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(f.title ORDER BY f.title SEPARATOR ',')
                                     FROM sakila.film f
                                              INNER JOIN sakila.film_category fc
                                                         ON f.film_id = fc.film_id
                                              INNER JOIN sakila.film_actor fa
                                                         ON f.film_id = fa.film_id
                                     WHERE fc.category_id = c.category_id
                                       AND fa.actor_id = a.actor_id)
                    ORDER BY c.name SEPARATOR ';')
           AS film_info
FROM sakila.actor a
         LEFT JOIN sakila.film_actor fa
                   ON a.actor_id = fa.actor_id
         LEFT JOIN sakila.film_category fc
                   ON fa.film_id = fc.film_id
         LEFT JOIN sakila.category c
                   ON fc.category_id = c.category_id
GROUP BY a.actor_id, a.first_name, a.last_name
  1. customer_list:客户列表,firstname和lastname连接成fullname,将address, city, country集成在一个视图里
SELECT cu.customer_id  AS ID,
               _utf8 ' ',
           )           AS NAME,
       a.address       AS address,
       a.postal_code   AS `zip code`,
       a.phone         AS phone,
       city.city       AS city,
       country.country AS country,
               _utf8 'active',
               _utf8 ''
           )           AS notes,
       cu.store_id     AS SID
FROM customer AS cu
         JOIN address AS a ON cu.address_id = a.address_id
         JOIN city ON a.city_id = city.city_id
         JOIN country ON city.country_id = country.country_id
  1. film_list:电影列表视图,包含了每一部电影的信息及电影所对应的演员。电影对应的演员以逗号作为分隔符。连接了film, film_category, category, film_actor, actor表的数据
SELECT film.film_id     AS FID,
       film.title       AS title,
       film.description AS description,
       category.NAME    AS category,
       film.rental_rate AS price,
       film.length      AS length,
       film.rating      AS rating,
                       _utf8 ' ',
                   ) SEPARATOR ', '
           )            AS actors
FROM category
         LEFT JOIN film_category ON category.category_id = film_category.category_id
         LEFT JOIN film ON film_category.film_id = film.film_id
         JOIN film_actor ON film.film_id = film_actor.film_id
         JOIN actor ON film_actor.actor_id = actor.actor_id
GROUP BY film.film_id
  1. nicer_but_slower_film_list:电影列表视图,包含了每一部电影的信息及电影所对应的演员。电影对应的演员以逗号作为分隔符。连接了film, film_category, category, film_actor, actor表的数据。和film_list View不同,演员名字只有单词首字母大写
SELECT film.film_id     AS FID,
       film.title       AS title,
       film.description AS description,
       category.NAME    AS category,
       film.rental_rate AS price,
       film.length      AS length,
       film.rating      AS rating,
                                       SUBSTR(actor.first_name, 1, 1)
                               _utf8 ' ',
                                               SUBSTR(actor.last_name, 1, 1)
                   ) SEPARATOR ', '
           )            AS actors
FROM category
         LEFT JOIN film_category ON category.category_id = film_category.category_id
         LEFT JOIN film ON film_category.film_id = film.film_id
         JOIN film_actor ON film.film_id = film_actor.film_id
         JOIN actor ON film_actor.actor_id = actor.actor_id
GROUP BY film.film_id
  1. sales_by_film_category:每个电影种类的销售额。payment → rental → inventory → film → film_category → category
SELECT c.name        AS category,
       SUM(p.amount) AS total_sales
FROM payment AS p
         INNER JOIN rental AS r ON p.rental_id = r.rental_id
         INNER JOIN inventory AS i ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
         INNER JOIN film AS f ON i.film_id = f.film_id
         INNER JOIN film_category AS fc ON f.film_id = fc.film_id
         INNER JOIN category AS c ON fc.category_id = c.category_id
GROUP BY c.name
ORDER BY total_sales DESC
  1. sales_by_store:每个商店的manager及销售额。payment → rental → inventory → store → staff
SELECT CONCAT(c.city, _utf8 ', ', cy.country)      AS store
     , CONCAT(m.first_name, _utf8 '', m.last_name) AS manager
     , SUM(p.amount)                               AS total_sales
FROM payment p
         INNER JOIN rental r ON p.rental_id = r.rental_id
         INNER JOIN inventory i ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
         INNER JOIN store s ON i.store_id = s.store_id
         INNER JOIN address a ON s.address_id = a.address_id
         INNER JOIN city c ON a.city_id = c.city_id
         INNER JOIN country cy ON c.country_id = cy.country_id
         INNER JOIN staff m ON s.manager_staff_id = m.staff_id
GROUP BY s.store_id
ORDER BY cy.country, c.city
  1. staff_list:工作人员列表
SELECT s.staff_id      AS ID,
               _utf8 ' ',
           )           AS NAME,
       a.address       AS address,
       a.postal_code   AS `zip code`,
       a.phone         AS phone,
       city.city       AS city,
       country.country AS country,
       s.store_id      AS SID
FROM staff AS s
         JOIN address AS a ON s.address_id = a.address_id
         JOIN city ON a.city_id = city.city_id
         JOIN country ON city.country_id = country.country_id

4. 表结构关系
