1. Execute_SQL_File
2. Dump_SQL_File
3. Data_Tranfer
- 数据传输:将一个库里的若干张表,完整的传输到另一个库中
4. Data_Synchronization
5. Structure_Synchronization
6. 查询结果sql
1. navicat
1. 不含表名
替换:cmd + opt + F
2. 含表名
2. sql
mysql报错:1290 - The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option
select login_name, user_code as authkey, ooxx_name, ooxx_id
from user
where create_time = '2021-06-24 14:31:32'
into outfile '/Users/listao/Documents/user.sql'
fields terminated by ','
optionally enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\n';
fields terminated
:属性结束optionally enclosed
:属性包裹lines terminated
1. 报错
1290 - The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement